
Why migrate to NSHTTP?

Muthusamy Ponnusamy

NonStop offers HPE NonStop HTTP Server 2.4 (NSHTTP), the next-generation web server on the NonStop platform. NSHTTP is a deep port of a popular open-source Apache HTTP Server that is ranked as one of the top two web servers in the world for the number of websites hosted on it.

Leader's notes


Roland Lemoine

Where manageability and security meet for a common goal The database manageability experience is in constant evolution. Not only because


Greenlake & NonStop

Justin Simonds

Greenlake is a major HPE strategy. You may have seen the announcement “The cloud that comes to you”, which is essentially Greenlake. Imagine Amazon, Google or Microsoft coming into your data center and building you a mini cloud that they then manage for you. You spin up applications and databases, try new business strategies, run sprints and have all the advantages of the public cloud.


Prioritize Your CyberSecurity Initiatives


Get an insider’s look into new features and functionality that maximize your XYGATE security investment. Steve discusses XYPRO’s latest advances in Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), Compliance, and Anomaly Detection. Get updates on HPE NonStop integrations with Splunk, SailPoint, CyberArk, and ServiceNow.

data organization

Data is the Lifeblood of your Organization

Thomas Gloerfeld

Data is pretty crucial to any business these days. Many people claim that data is the most important asset you can possess, with more utility than capital assets and more meaningful (though often latent) insights than a host of human capital. Data reflects your entire business: your intellectual property, your industry, the broader market trends, the pain points and needs of prospective customers, and your existing customer base.

Nonstop Trends and Wins
NonStop Trends & Wins

NonStop Trends & Wins

Justin Simonds

There is already an estimated $7B being spent on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning (AI,ML,DL) in banking this


New Data Integrity Architectures for Mission Critical Systems

Gravic, Inc.

This article highlights some interesting work from Gravic Labs, Gravic’s Research and Development group, in the area of increasing the data integrity of mission critical systems. The article expands on our talk at The Connect NonStop TBC meeting in October 2021, and is a continuation of the topic that we presented in the July/August 2017 issue of The Connection.

Cover Story

The Power of NonStop Data Analytics

Joel Sandberg

Twenty years ago, data analytics was a field reserved for geeks and academics, something discussed during breaks in lectures on chaos theory. The idea was to take a very random system, with lots of seemingly disparate data, and be able to tie that tangled web of data together so that meaningful outcomes could be predicted. The most obvious example is weather forecasting, which involves analyzing all the earth’s atmospheric randomness in terms of ever-changing temperature, moisture, and wind, somehow using that data to tell people to bring an umbrella to that 1 pm picnic a week from Saturday.


PARTNER SPOTLIGHT: Meet Ben Coan of Odyssey Information Services

Stacie Neall

Ben Coan is a business development manager with Odyssey Information Services. Ben’s ability to develop long-lasting professional relationships has driven him to fully understand his clients’ technology needs and provide them with the best solutions. In addition, he has more than 20 years of experience in providing HPE NonStop support solutions for companies in oil and gas, healthcare, retail, banking, and financial services.


XYPRO’s 2021 Cybersecurity Predictions

Steve Tcherchian

With 2020 finally, in the books, it’s time to look forward and discuss our cybersecurity predictions that will most affect the industry in 2021. I thought long and hard about what I could say that would be impactful and hasn’t been said before.  Obviously, COVID-19 and its security ramifications will continue to stay with us for 2021 and well beyond.


Why You Should Not Ignore NonStop OS Upgrades

Ron Wetzel

How long has it been since you upgraded your NonStop’s operating system? One year? Five years? Fifty years? You have no idea? Don’t feel embarrassed if you answered anything but “A.” You’re not alone. Many companies that operate within the NonStop environment have chosen not to upgrade their OS for a variety of reasons. Even though NonStop was designed to withstand the hardships of running continuously for years, it still needs to undergo routine OS upgrades just like any complex system.


NonStop Forward
by Phil Ly

Phil Ly

With cyber-crimes increasing at an alarming rate daily, securing and protecting enterprise data is a top priority for all organizations. NonStop has long been touted by users as the company’s “crown jewel” for overseeing mission-critical applications, so it should be a top priority to protect NonStop applications and its content. That being said, it is important for NonStop users to avoid using custom solutions that might create the misconception that the platform is non-compliant and/or legacy.