May – June 2022

A Note from Connect Leadership
Marty Edelman
NonStop Trends & Wins
Justin SimondsAs most of you know, NonStop generally is not a big participant of Discover and we showcase NonStop at our annual Bootcamp. This year will be a bit different. NonStop will be discussed at Discover. NonStop will be showcased as the platform for the new HPE Greenlake “Payments as a Service” being announced at Discover.

The Flipside
Gaye ClemsonMy recent change consulting work has taken me to the mergers and acquisitions world. Now I don’t know about you, but I can’t imagine a greater transformational change for team leaders than getting acquired by an industry giant. Not only is there culture and strategy change, but also a myriad of systems, tools and processes that either need to be learned or integrated.

Future Of Money
Idelji Corporation
Use HPE Shadowbase Compare and Repair Software for Data Validation and Verification
Gravic, Inc.
You are Responsible for Data Security in the Cloud
Thomas GloerfeldCloud computing is the fuel powering modern digital transformation. Across the globe, organizations invested heavily during the pandemic to adapt to new market conditions, drive more efficient business processes and support mass home working. It’s estimated that 60% of corporate data globally is now stored in the cloud, and much of this will be in public cloud data centres.

Virtual NonStop when you need one.
Margo HolenDo you remember early 1980s? Or perhaps, just like our young server last night, you were not even born yet back then? So last night as we entered the restaurant we noticed a priest sitting at a table with a young family, parents and a couple of kids ages about 5. Richard Buckle ordered a bottle of Penfolds 389, as he does whenever we are at the Fort Collins, CO, Rare restaurant on Sunday – no it is not a religious ceremony, the priest’s presence totally accidental, it’s just that on Sundays they have wines half off!

uLinga for Kafka – High Performance, Fault-Tolerant Kafka Streaming
Andrew PriceIn the Sept-Oct 2021 edition of The Connection, we gave an overview of Kafka, and how it is being used by many Fortune 500 companies to manage “streams” of data, which have become prevalent as internet usage massively boosts the amount of data being generated, and requiring processing. Kafka allows these huge volumes of data to be processed in real-time, via a combination of “producers” and “consumers”, which work with a Kafka “cluster” – the main data repository.

NonStop and abat+ at Discover 2022
Justin SimondsHPE Virtualized NonStop started as just a concept and challenge to the NonStop development team. Andy Bergholz, if you remember him, had sent the team off for some virtualization training and just asked “Could NonStop be virtualized”? “No”, “Never” “Of course not” “Why”? But then, as Andy suspected, there started a lot of “Well, what if…” conversations and in just a little while they had booted NonStop under OpenStack. That’s the way great leaders get things done

It’s a virtual world after all … it’s a virtual, virtual world!
Richard BuckleAs I began to write this article for some strange reason these words came to mind. First heard on the Disney pavilion at the 1964 World’s Fair, the song, It’s a small world after all continues to captivate audiences worldwide. It was back on this month, April of 1964 that the Fair opened with Disney supporting four exhibits and even as I was living in Sydney, Australia, my father captured the spirit of the Fair in photos he took when visiting New York in 1965.

XYPRO Presents Zero-Trust Security, Enterprise Integration, at HPE India’s BCD
Steve TcherchianThe probability that an organization will experience a breach in the next 24 months is high and the current time to identify and contain a breach is still 280 days. XYPRO security solutions reduce the meantime to detect, and the resources required to respond to potential breaches by up to 80%, dramatically reducing the impact of a breach on your enterprise.

Seven Magnificent Features All Integrity Monitors Should Have
Daniel LewisWinston Churchill once said “To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often”. While that might have been a smart way to justify his changing of political party allegiance (and true when it comes to passwords!), it obviously doesn’t sit quite so well when it comes to critical files and configurations on your HPE NonStop!

It’s All Fun and Games at the Hack Shack!
Dale RensingCan you believe it? Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) will be holding its first major in-person conference since 2019 in just over a month! HPE Discover 2022, the edge-to-cloud conference, will be held in Las Vegas at the Venetian/Palazzo Resort from June 28-30th. The HPE Developer Community team is really excited to be able to engage with attendees in person once again. Make sure you register soon so you don’t miss out!