
NonStop in the Himalayas

Gopalakrishnan Muthusamy

Remember Himalayas servers? Himalaya was a project name for NonStop Servers sold in the early 1990’s. The connection between the Himalayas and NonStop was established then, and today the Himalayas are still very much part of NonStop, as a lot of NonStop development is happening in “Himalayas land”, in India, at Bangalore.


News from HPE’s NonStop Division

Karen Copeland

 As we near the end of the year, it’s clear that 2020 will live in infamy for many years to come.  Between the COVID-19 pandemic, with a devastating loss of life now reaching 200,000 people in the United States, to terrifying weather such as lightning strike storms, temperatures reaching 130 degrees in Death Valley, massive forest fires in the West, hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico, floods in the South and even a fire tornado being sighted in Northern California, we often feel like we’re living in a horror or disaster movie.

Nonstop Trends and Wins

Non Stop Trends & Wins

Justin Simonds

High-Performance Computing (HPC) also known as the technology required for Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) is getting even better.  I have a great interest in this and if you’ve seen some of my AI presentations I show a low-latency NSADI link between NonStop and the HPE Apollo HPC systems.


NonStop Forward
by Phil Ly

Phil Ly

With cyber-crimes increasing at an alarming rate daily, securing and protecting enterprise data is a top priority for all organizations. NonStop has long been touted by users as the company’s “crown jewel” for overseeing mission-critical applications, so it should be a top priority to protect NonStop applications and its content. That being said, it is important for NonStop users to avoid using custom solutions that might create the misconception that the platform is non-compliant and/or legacy.


Neil Barnes Rows Off Into The Future

Iain Liston-Brown

It is with a certain amount of sadness we have to announce the retirement of Neil Barnes from the NonStop Community. Neil has been a stalwart of the BITUG Chapter for over 25 years having been Chair on numerous occasions. Neil is a long-term advocate of NonStop having worked both on the platform with a software house and also Lloyds Bank.


Ensuring Data Privacy and Security

Trevor J. Morgan

In the amorphous field of cybersecurity, data privacy is a pretty hot topic, especially in the HPE NonStop space considering the vast amount of personal, sensitive data processed on NonStop solutions across the globe.


The ABC’s of an Affordable Business Critical Compute

Richard Buckle

We have always heard the role of NonStop described as being best-suited platform where 100% uptime is mandatory; where the customer’s business cannot tolerate any exceptions; where nothing can be allowed to interrupt the works of the solution and where the application’s failure means the customer’s business fails.


Improve Compliance with File Integrity Monitoring

Henry Fonseca

File integrity monitoring (FIM) exists because change is inescapable for most organizations. From variations in a company’s hardware assets, software programs, configuration states, permissions, and personnel, it is the one constant within IT environments. Some of these modifications may be authorized, while others will cause concern by their unexpected nature. Because of this, FIM is considered a vital requirement for security compliance frameworks to help identify unexpected or malicious activity across critical system files and protect business assets.


Managing Latency

Keith B. Evans

One of the most critical aspects of data replication performance is latency, and the two most important types are replication latency and application latency.


Secure REST Services: Real World User Examples

NuWave & TIC

REST has become the de facto standard for information exchange between disparate platforms and applications. In the NonStop space it is being used more and more, to allow NonStop applications to communicate with other enterprise applications, and integrate with solutions outside the enterprise.