Ian Inglis Manager, Product Management – NonStop Solutions at Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Cover Story

Getting acquainted – a chat with a NonStop insider

Justin Simonds

Similar to our interview with Karen Ramirez a few issues back, Connect wanted to hear from HPE Product Management Manager Ian Inglis. Ian has been in the position now for two NonStop Technical Boot Camp events, so it was high time to find out more about him and his NonStop Vision.

Cover Story

CSP: Keeping NonStop community’s secrets safe

Henry Fonseca

Can you keep a secret? How often have we heard or used that expression? In certain circles, the surest way to spread a story is to suggest that it is secret, even top secret, but for those involved in IT, this is far from the truth.

Cover Story

The Flipside

Gaye Clemson

A few weeks ago, I received an email from a northern California dog rescue organization letting me know that there were a number of Bernese Mountain Dogs, rescued from an Ohio puppy mill, who needed ‘forever’ homes.


HPE NonStop, what does Artificial Intelligence think about it?

Casey Krasner

With the emergence of ChatGPT and other AI tools in 2022, we are seeing the impact these tools can have on individual job roles and entire industries. While AI has not entered into the NonStop space just yet, it is still something we as technologists and self-proclaimed nerds are watching from a distance.

Cover Story

A Note from Connect Leadership

Sue Robinson

Happy 2023 Connect Community members. As the new President of Connect, I wanted to extend my thanks to Marty Edelman, who you have been reading his ‘Note from the Connect Leadership’ in the magazine for the last few years.

Cover Story

How to Protect Your Online Presence and Critical Infrastructure from Emerging Cyber Threats

Ugan Naidoo

The COVID-19 pandemic led to increased digitization of businesses and as a result, created new opportunities for cybercriminals who actively exploited the health crisis and weak links in enterprises who were trying to adjust to the new reality. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has also triggered an escalation in the number of state-sponsored actors targeting critical infrastructure with DDoS attacks. Criminal syndicates, smaller players, and opportunistic criminals – all benefited from the turmoil.