July-August 2023

N2TUG 2023

Bill Honaker

It’s been a while since we reported on an N2TUG meeting, which was in June of 2019. For reasons we all know too well, there was no meeting held in the intervening years, but that changed on June 15th this year!

Nonstop Trends and Wins

NonStop Trends & Wins

Justin Simonds

Gartner has started talking about a new ‘stalking horse’ called the Digital Immune System (DIS). In fact they say “By 2025, organizations that invest in building digital immunity will increase customer satisfaction by decreasing downtime by 80%.” As you might imagine when a NonStop person hears about ‘reducing downtime’ and ‘increasing customer satisfaction’ our ears perk up.

In Every Issue

Real Time View

Richard Buckle

There is a reason why Margo and I travel to events by car. Those that know us well and see us walking to the registration desk will often ask what car we drove to the venue this time?