The Connection
Data; it lives and it grows – with NonStop SQL, data truly has found a home.
Richard BucklePerhaps the most enduring character from the fictional Star Trek franchise just happens to be Data. With his positronic brain he could out-compute the likes of Vulcans and in so doing, endeared himself to viewers worldwide, given his total lack of emotion. Before Data, there had been Spock, but in Data we saw a significant upgrade albeit one with absolutely no understanding of humanity. In many ways, the mere thought of having someone like Data onboard the spaceship USS Enterprise, gave the scriptwriters that all-important way out whenever situations escalated beyond belief. With Data, there was always an option.
Top 5 Trends in REST Services – Database Access via RESTful API Using LightWave
Dave BelliveauIn an enterprise, there are many different data sources that are produced and consumed in many different departments. Instead of being tied to the proprietary access of each database, the use of a web service API will make integration with these myriad of data sources much easier. RESTful web services will provide a data access layer that’s more flexible and compatible with different applications, including mobile, web or cloud services. Many database vendors now provide access to their databases using RESTful APIs. They include Oracle, and MS SQL Server, the two leading databases in the marketplace.
XYPRO and HPE Partner to Provide ZERO Trust Security for HPE NonStop
Steve TcherchianNews from HPE’s NonStop Division
Karen CopelandA Note From Connect Leadership
Marty EdelmanThe Flip Side
Gaye ClemsonNonStop Trends & Wins
Justin SimondsExpanding NonStop Opportunities
Ron ThompsonA Shout Out to Xtraordinary Individuals
Connect WorldwideChapter News
Collin YatesChapter News
Jack McAuleyPsst! Compliance Isn’t the Goal!
Marty EdelmanUsing Python and ODBC to connect HPE NonStop SQL/MX
Shanice AbigailPCI DSS 4.0 is Coming Here is What You Need to Know
Henry FonsecaNuWaves API Security Guide – Best Practices for REST Services
Dave BelliveauREST has become the standard for information exchanged between disparate platforms and applications within the enterprise. In the NonStop space it is being used more and more, to allow NonStop applications to communicate with other enterprise applications, and integrate with solutions outside the enterprise.
Virtual Plan to Virtual Reality – In A Matter of Weeks!
Sean BicknellA Note From Connect Leadership
Marty EdelmanWith fingers crossed it looks like most of the world is digging out from the pandemic and beginning to contemplate life in a post-covid world. Things will probably never go back to the way they were before but one of the constant in this world is that you either evolve or die. We at Connect choice to evolve (as I hope you do too) and have been busy at work on the NonStop Bootcamp which will be a great show this year. We have an amazing new venue in Denver in a great part of town to ensure that there is plenty to see and do.
News from HPE’s NonStop Division
Prashanth Kamath UNonStop Trends & Wins
Justin SimondsThe Flip Side
Gaye ClemsonIn a recent article in Forbes magazine, Steve Denning, a leader in agile management, leadership, and innovation, persuasively argues that only the agile will survive. He suggests that COVID-19, which we all agree is now the mother of all disruptions, will accelerate a new way of working, playing, learning, leading and even living. Denning views business and strategic agility as the largest differentiators for the future. In my view, agility just gets you to the starting line. Adaptability wins the race!
Expanding NonStop Opportunities
Ron ThompsonWith the value of data losing value in seconds, minutes or hours – time is of the essence to maximize data value to improve decision making – with immediate insights, to add intelligence to processes, create opportunities, etc. For those interested in meaningfully improving outcomes by maximizing data value and innovating for impact – these are core ingredients for success in an on-line, real-time, all-the-time world.
Virtualized NonStop adoption is growing. Here’s what you should know if you’re planning for one
Prashanth Kamath USince the origin of computing, innovation has been happening in broadly two areas – 1) Technology – silicon, circuits, storage and so forth, aptly captured by “Moore’s law”, and 2) software – operating system, application, virtualization and the like. While these two areas continue to evolve, although at a slower pace than earlier, the last decade brought in another dimension to the innovation phenomenon –acquisition and consumption. Until the first decade of the 21st century, computing infrastructure was all captive. Companies built sprawling datacenters to house their IT infrastructure, managed by their staff – highly skilled to run operations and keep the “lights on”, if you will.