Hi Everyone!
Hope you are all having a great summer and getting out into the warm weather to enjoy yourself. The San Francisco Bay area has been very comfortable this summer with temperatures in the low 80’s F and because this is a highly vaccinated area, we have not seen the resurgence of COVID-19 or the Delta variant as strongly here as in other parts of the country. We all want to return to more normal pre-pandemic activities.
This year’s NonStop Technical Boot Camp is scheduled to take place in person in Denver, Colorado at the downtown Hilton on October 4th-7th. The 4th is really a travel day with people arriving during the day and attending the opening night beer bust that evening. We will also be offering some educational seminars for NonStop that afternoon at 1pm. To find out more or register for the seminars. The conference will be two and a half days, starting Tuesday morning the 5th with a KeyNote in the morning, breakout talks, demos and panel discussions during the day. We expect a similar agenda on Wednesday the 6th with Thursday the 7th being a half-day with the conference ending at 1pm. If you plan to attend, we recommend you register as soon as possible and lock down your room at the hotel.
Here’s some of what you can expect at the event: We are planning around 75 breakout talks. Most talks will be made available in the virtual On-Demand library after the event. We are not planning to host a virtual event simultaneously but may hold some geo-specific virtual replays later. The general themes for this year’s show is Security for the NonStop system – with many new products for security becoming available to customers and another focus on GreenLake Deals for NonStop, with talks describing GreenLake benefits for customers. We have a new metering tool for NonStop which is allowing us to offer GreenLake deals based on system consumption. We expect to talk more about this at the Boot Camp.
We hope you will come out this year to have a chance to meet Kevin Shabow, our new sales leader for North America, and many of our new Engineers who will be at the show from our Fort Collins site.
Meanwhile, this issue of The Connection Magazine focuses on Security with articles like PCI DSS 4.0 is Coming – Here is What You Need to Know from our friends at CSP and ZERO Trust Security for HPE NonStop from XYPRO, which explains how a ZERO trust policy helps to protect a business by controls over information that can be given out. Comforte has provided an interesting article on Nacha by Thomas Gloerfeld called, “Nacha is yet another set of Enterprise security rules and regulations”. If you’ve ever attended a Nacha conference you’ll find this article really interesting. Also, we have an article on Compliance by Marty Edelman that talks about how achieving compliance should not be the main and only goal for security planning. After all, some major businesses met PCI but were still breached. You really need to consider what data you need to protect and what method to use to protect it. Finally, there’s a nice little technical article from Shanice Abigail from HPE.
I hope you will enjoy this issue of The Connection Magazine and consider creating your own article for the Magazine. We hope to see you at the Technical Boot Camp but until then, enjoy your summer and continue to compute 24hrs a day without fail!
Karen Copeland
NonStop Product Management
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
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