
One of Thailand’s Largest Bank Implements PCI Compliant Data Protection on Countrywide Banking Network

Thomas Gloerfeld

This Bank has the largest network of ATMs and branches in Thailand, with nearly 6,000 ATMs and over 1,000 branches throughout the country. They handle the travel, capital accumulation, and home deposit savings of millions of citizens. The Bank’s total assets amount to 2.62 trillion baht (THB), equivalent to approximately 80 billion USD, and in 2014 it had an operating income of 26.9 billion baht or approximately 826 million USD.

The 7 Best Compact Binoculars - [2021 Reviews] | Outside Pursuits

Virtualization; a world without limits now embraced by NonStop!

Richard Buckle

Virtualization, and the support of virtual operating systems, has been a part of IT for a very long time. The concepts are pretty simple; I/O has been much slower than main memory so actions taken by the processor have happened more quickly than actions directed at storage. This resulted in a lot of processor wait time and processor time was viewed as expensive; what could we do while we waited? Initially this lead to the creation of a number of partitions all sharing virtual storage (VS) so much so that it wasn’t unusual to find large systems running five, seven, twelve and more partitions that, in the case of IBM mainframes, broke processing down into online and batch.


Simplifying Access to Legacy Payments Applications

Andrew Price

One of the main trends highlighted in our recent article The Top 5 Trends in REST Services relates to payment applications, and in particular, simplifying access to legacy payments applications like BASE24 and Connex, both of which are still very popular on the HPE NonStop platform.



Steve Tcherchian

Since the release of PCI-DSS 3.0 in 2013, the PCI Security Standards Council has been quite busy. A little over a year after it was published, the council released PCI-DSS 3.1, followed by several new templates and supplements, including the “Migrating from SSL and early TLS Information Supplement” in April 2015 which highlighted the risks of SSL and TLS 1.0. The supplement described a migration plan as well as set a migration deadline of 1 July, 2016.


The World of HPE NonStop Engineering

Stan Kosinski

By removing the barrier of distance, the Internet has transformed how we obtain information, make purchases, and conduct business. It has enabled HPE to bring together the best and brightest engineering talent, regardless of location, to produce the world class availability and integrity that defines NonStop computing. One could say that the distributed capabilities of the NonStop system are reflected in how the engineering staff work through connections spanning the globe. To borrow from a famous quote, the sun never sets on NonStop engineering!

March - April 2021

The Flip Side

Gaye Clemson

Raising the Bar on Employment Engagement with Impactful Digital Solutions Those who know me know that I am obsessed with


Systems and Platforms: the lines in the sand.

Richard Buckle

Before we begin to look at HPE NonStop platform updates becoming available in 2021 it’s probably a good idea to take a step back and look at exactly what constitutes a platform. Like with every opinion, everyone has their own take on what constitutes a platform. It was so much easier when we all understood what was a computer, an operating system or an application but of late, the lines have become less clear. Can we still draw meaningful lines or have they become lines in the sand, subject to change every time a breeze disturbs their presence.


NuWave – The Top 5 Trends in REST Services

Andrew Price

Here at NuWave Technologies, we’re always working with forward-thinking HPE NonStop server users looking to modernize or simplify access to their valuable NonStop applications and data. We’re also tracking trends outside the NonStop space, in an effort to ensure our LightWave solutions stay current with industry requirements and trends.


Your IT Transformation needs NonStop!

Richard Buckle

Let’s get definitions out of the way. If you have been wondering about the difference between IT Transformation and Digital Transformation (DX) then you are not alone. Many IT professionals and business commentators have stepped in to clarify what these differences boil down to, but in many cases, they have only raised more questions. As we move into 2021, enterprises are deep into projects that are designed to better align technology with business outcomes and as they do so, the idea of transformation appears with almost regular monotony.