Chapter News


Every year, for the past 25 years, a technical event is held in Canada by a group called CTUG (Canadian Tandem Users Group).  Originally,  the purpose of the event was to learn and get updated on Tandem technology. As the years past CTUG became a Chapter of Connect, the membership grew as attendees, not only gathered knowledge but met many new friends and contacts.

The event was expanded to two days, Day 1 consisted of technical sessions, food,  and a cocktail get-together in the evening.  Day 2 consisted of a full day of education. We were fortunate enough to secure many top-quality speakers, including Jimmy Treybig himself.  As Connect is, we are heavily supported by not only HPE but also extremely valued Partners who contribute to our success.  Most years the conference is a sellout.

Unfortunately, COVID interrupted the yearly event, this year is the second year we have had to cancel.

In the absence of the yearly attended user group meeting,  we held a virtually attended session on June 23rd.  In order to get quality presentations, we secured content and speakers from  HPE, Comforte, XYPRO and CSP. The recorded ZOOM session was a success. We had over 30 attendees who attended live, and over 35 replays of the recorded session on YOUTUBE. The next ZOOM session is scheduled for late October. Please check the CTUG website ( for details which will be available in the near future


  • Jack McAuley

    Jack McAuley is currently Retired and President of the Canadian Tandem Users Group. Previously he was a NonStop Solutions Architect with the HPE Enterprise Group organization. In this role, he has a national focus on HP NonStop Solutions. With over 35 years in the IT industry, Jack has lived and worked through numerous changes in technology, helping clients adapt and optimize their IT environments with each new wave of innovation. He is both a student and practitioner of NonStop Solutions and Continuous Availability Architectures and has helped many clients understand where they are and where they need to be using this approach. Prior to joining HP, Jack spent 10 years with other vendors including NCR and Honeywell, along with Rogers and Associates as a Consultant helping clients with the acquisition and adoption of new technologies. In his 25 year career with HP, Jack has held a number of positions that have contributed to his current role. He worked in Professional Services architecting and implementing Security and Operations Management solutions for HP customers. He once held Security Regional Designated Specialist for Canada, and led the Tandem Security Special Interest Group.

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