A Note From Connect Leadership

The light we see at the end of the tunnel isn’t a train!

With fingers crossed it looks like most of the world is digging out from the pandemic and beginning to contemplate life in a post-covid world. Things will probably never go back to the way they were before, but one of the constants in this world is that you either evolve or die. We at Connect choose to evolve (as I hope you do, too) and have been busy at work on the NonStop Technical Boot Camp, which will be a great show this year. We have an amazing new venue in downtown Denver in a great part of town to ensure that there is plenty to see and do.

The HPE NonStop community continues to evolve, as you will see in the issue with some great content about Virtual NonStop. There is also a great focus within HPE to keep modernizing the platform to ensure that it remains viable well into the future. Our archives contain some good resources about how others have modernized, so please be sure to check them out to help you on your journey. Our Slack channel is also a great resource to connect with fellow technicians for support or just a friendly face.

Please enjoy this issue and if you want to contribute please let us know.

Best regards,
Marty Edelman
President, Connect Worldwide

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  • Marty Edelman

    Since retiring from The Home Depot, Marty Edelman has provided strategic guidance to organizations wishing to modernize their IT infrastructures. While at The Home Depot, he was the director of Payment Services. Marty has been involved with HPE (Tandem, Compaq, HPE and HPE) for more than 30 years as an employee, end user, and independent consultant. He founded a small consultancy firm that specialized in developing high-volume mission-critical solutions for Fortune 500 companies. Marty and his team helped to build the UPS Tracking System, the NYSE Consolidated Trade and Quote systems, and the SWIFT next-generation computing platform.

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