
uLinga for Kafka – A Different Approach

Andrew Price

There’s been a lot of talk over the last few years about Kafka, but what is it, and how might it impact NonStop applications and data? According to the Kafka Apache project, Kafka is “the most popular open-source stream-processing software for collecting, processing, storing and analyzing data at scale.” Kafka is used by thousands of companies, including 60% of the Fortune 100. Well known users in the finance space include Goldman Sachs, Rabobank, Barclays, Jack Henry and PayPal, and household names that use Kafka include Netflix, Oracle, LinkedIn and AirBnB.


Data; it lives and it grows – with NonStop SQL, data truly has found a home.

Richard Buckle

Perhaps the most enduring character from the fictional Star Trek franchise just happens to be Data. With his positronic brain he could out-compute the likes of Vulcans and in so doing, endeared himself to viewers worldwide, given his total lack of emotion. Before Data, there had been Spock, but in Data we saw a significant upgrade albeit one with absolutely no understanding of humanity. In many ways, the mere thought of having someone like Data onboard the spaceship USS Enterprise, gave the scriptwriters that all-important way out whenever situations escalated beyond belief. With Data, there was always an option.


Top 5 Trends in REST Services – Database Access via RESTful API Using LightWave

Dave Belliveau

In an enterprise, there are many different data sources that are produced and consumed in many different departments. Instead of being tied to the proprietary access of each database, the use of a web service API will make integration with these myriad of data sources much easier. RESTful web services will provide a data access layer that’s more flexible and compatible with different applications, including mobile, web or cloud services. Many database vendors now provide access to their databases using RESTful APIs. They include Oracle, and MS SQL Server, the two leading databases in the marketplace.


Chapter News

Collin Yates

On 22 June 2021, BITUG held their popular ‘Little SIG’. This is a single-day event specifically targeting the UK NonStop community, and usually includes a number of customer and vendor presentations as well as the latest HPE Roadmap.


Chapter News

Jack McAuley

Every year, for the past 25 years, a technical event is held in Canada by a group called CTUG (Canadian Tandem Users Group).  Originally,  the purpose of the event was to learn and get updated on Tandem technology.

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Psst! Compliance Isn’t the Goal!

Marty Edelman

Corporations spend billions of dollars annually on compliance audits and remediations, dollars that one can argue are misused. Whenever a new data privacy standard is released, entire teams are spun up to bring systems into compliance.


NuWaves API Security Guide – Best Practices for REST Services

Dave Belliveau

REST has become the standard for information exchanged between disparate platforms and applications within the enterprise. In the NonStop space it is being used more and more, to allow NonStop applications to communicate with other enterprise applications, and integrate with solutions outside the enterprise.


Virtualized NonStop adoption is growing. Here’s what you should know if you’re planning for one

Prashanth Kamath U

Since the origin of computing, innovation has been happening in broadly two areas – 1) Technology – silicon, circuits, storage and so forth, aptly captured by “Moore’s law”, and 2) software – operating system, application, virtualization and the like. While these two areas continue to evolve, although at a slower pace than earlier, the last decade brought in another dimension to the innovation phenomenon –acquisition and consumption. Until the first decade of the 21st century, computing infrastructure was all captive. Companies built sprawling datacenters to house their IT infrastructure, managed by their staff – highly skilled to run operations and keep the “lights on”, if you will.


Boosting Morale During a Pandemic

Hayes Martin

How can companies help their team members to adapt to a completely virtual work environment while helping them to cope with the added stress that a pandemic and a complete upheaval of their lives brings? Over the past several months, we have all experienced additional challenges as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. In some families, both spouses experienced “going virtual” together, while others had the added anxiety of being an essential worker. Add children to the mix, now with ever-fluctuating school schedules, and it becomes easy to understand how impactful Coronavirus has been on employees’ mental health and morale. It has become clear that employers must adapt to these changes and engage with employees to develop long-term plans to improve morale and productivity while ensuring a healthy work/life balance.


One of Thailand’s Largest Bank Implements PCI Compliant Data Protection on Countrywide Banking Network

Thomas Gloerfeld

This Bank has the largest network of ATMs and branches in Thailand, with nearly 6,000 ATMs and over 1,000 branches throughout the country. They handle the travel, capital accumulation, and home deposit savings of millions of citizens. The Bank’s total assets amount to 2.62 trillion baht (THB), equivalent to approximately 80 billion USD, and in 2014 it had an operating income of 26.9 billion baht or approximately 826 million USD.

The 7 Best Compact Binoculars - [2021 Reviews] | Outside Pursuits

Virtualization; a world without limits now embraced by NonStop!

Richard Buckle

Virtualization, and the support of virtual operating systems, has been a part of IT for a very long time. The concepts are pretty simple; I/O has been much slower than main memory so actions taken by the processor have happened more quickly than actions directed at storage. This resulted in a lot of processor wait time and processor time was viewed as expensive; what could we do while we waited? Initially this lead to the creation of a number of partitions all sharing virtual storage (VS) so much so that it wasn’t unusual to find large systems running five, seven, twelve and more partitions that, in the case of IBM mainframes, broke processing down into online and batch.


Simplifying Access to Legacy Payments Applications

Andrew Price

One of the main trends highlighted in our recent article The Top 5 Trends in REST Services relates to payment applications, and in particular, simplifying access to legacy payments applications like BASE24 and Connex, both of which are still very popular on the HPE NonStop platform.



Steve Tcherchian

Since the release of PCI-DSS 3.0 in 2013, the PCI Security Standards Council has been quite busy. A little over a year after it was published, the council released PCI-DSS 3.1, followed by several new templates and supplements, including the “Migrating from SSL and early TLS Information Supplement” in April 2015 which highlighted the risks of SSL and TLS 1.0. The supplement described a migration plan as well as set a migration deadline of 1 July, 2016.


The World of HPE NonStop Engineering

Stan Kosinski

By removing the barrier of distance, the Internet has transformed how we obtain information, make purchases, and conduct business. It has enabled HPE to bring together the best and brightest engineering talent, regardless of location, to produce the world class availability and integrity that defines NonStop computing. One could say that the distributed capabilities of the NonStop system are reflected in how the engineering staff work through connections spanning the globe. To borrow from a famous quote, the sun never sets on NonStop engineering!