Expanding NonStop Opportunities

Expanding NonStop Opportunities

Ron Thompson

With the value of data losing value in seconds, minutes or hours – time is of the essence to maximize data value to improve decision making – with immediate insights, to add intelligence to processes, create opportunities, etc. For those interested in meaningfully improving outcomes by maximizing data value and innovating for impact – these are core ingredients for success in an on-line, real-time, all-the-time world.

Nov-Dec 2020

Expanding NonStop Opportunities
Ron Thompson

Ron Thompson

When it comes to system availability, whether for “ cloud computing “ or on a “ platform “ , people frequently hear about ” 9’s ” of uptime.  Many service level agreements (SLAs) specify at least 99.9 % availability (3 9’s  – or –  < 9 hours of downtime / year), or, 99.99 % (4 9’s – or –  < 1 hour of downtime / year).  In conjunction with this, to further define system performance, the SLA Availability Metrics agreed on need to be from the End User perspective and apply from the time the application initially goes live.

Expanding NonStop Opportunities

Expanding NonStop Opportunities
by Ron Thompson

Ron Thompson

Satisfying today’s very demanding applications and business needs is a made to order scenario for NonStop.  As the following chart highlights, NonStop is a superior platform for enterprises if the goal is to improve outcomes.  The platform options to support applications essential to business success are summarized in the following chart.