NonStop Forward
by Phil Ly


Greetings!  Firstly, best wishes to all of you to stay safe and healthy amid this pandemic crisis.

As we’ve been thinking more about the future of NonStop in this newly established column, an item of real concern has been how to continue to build community among vendors and customers, in the absence of users group gatherings. With most companies, including TIC Software, working remotely, how do we reach across the screen, so to speak, to cultivate key personal relationships? Platforms like WebEx and Slack create access to business and educational institutions alike, and apps like Zoom and House Party create opportunities for friends and families to stay connected. How can we, the NonStop community, create a similar forum for the exchange of ideas, innovation, and best business practices? In partnering with HPE and a consortium of vendors and user group chapters, CONNECT is stepping up to launch VIRTU-NUG, a virtual, NonStop users’ group meeting. VIRTU-NUG represents a new dimension for the NonStop community to collaborate virtually. While nothing can replace the comradery and thrill of attending a conference in person, in a post COVID-19 world, remote conferencing will become the standard, as travel may be restricted or limited due to public health or corporate fiscal concerns. VIRTU-NUG will expand the depth and breadth of participation, learning, and, ultimately, connections in the NonStop community. Sign up for VIRTU-NUG, today, to share and learn new ideas and solutions for NonStop… virtually!


  • Phil Ly

    Phil Ly is the president and founder of TIC Software, a New York-based company specializing in software development and consulting services that integrate NonStop with the latest technologies, including Web Services, .NET and Java. Phil’s passion for NonStop, and educating the larger technology community – both industry veterans and next gen alike – on the power the platform leverages, are central to TIC’s business philosophy. While Phil (and TIC) have always evangelized modernization as a NonStop keystone, he is especially focused, as of late, on identifying applications and services to “future proof NonStop,” so as to extend the platform’s efficacy and impact for years to come. Prior to founding TIC in 1983, Phil worked for Tandem Computers in technical support and software development.

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