News from HPE’s NonStop Division

Dear NonStop community,

Reviewing the topics that were covered at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in January is a good way to get some highlights not only on what some of the current world challenges are, but also to realize how those are so closely connected to the great challenges of our IT industry. Biases and ethics in  Generative AI, the current state of cybersecurity, and what it takes to achieve cyber resilience to protect our countries, healthcare, and energy infrastructures to name just a few examples.  While the tasks at hand are huge, it is encouraging to hear our own Antonio Neri speaking there in a session named “From Mass Data to Mass Insights“ pointing out the potential to address real-world problems such as climate, energy transition, and other societal problems because we have tools and technology like AI and supercomputers now that we did not have before.

NonStop is not remote to those topics, nor to take on the biggest industry challenges. If you were at HPE Discover or NonStop TBC last year you may remember how we introduced new products to “Unlock the value of data”, incidentally the same sentence used to describe Antonio’s session in Davos. The cyber resilience topic should remind you of the Ransomware solution we’ve introduced at the NonStop TBC. And cybersecurity, where HPE NonStop is a very secure OS to start with, is further secured by our partners with leading-edge products and many years of experience in the security trenches.

Expect to see more of those topics discussed in HPE NonStop events in 2023 but in the meantime, if you can’t wait, enjoy this new edition of the Connection magazine. You can read on cybersecurity from our partners CSP on Zero Trust security, and  Steve Tcherchian’s XYPRO 2023 Cybersecurity Predictions. Data insights may come from uLingua for Kafka as covered by Andrew Price (Infrasoft), or from NonStop Database analyzer (NSDA) as covered by Paul Denzinger (HPE).  Also, on the SQL/MX topic, please read how to use native lobs from Python by Frans Jongma (HPE) in your most modern applications.

Those are just a few examples of all the articles in this edition. I’ll close with a special mention of the article from Harry Scott (Carr Scott) and Dr. Hans Mulder (Antwerp Management School) “A tribute to Jim Johnson, celebrating 40 years of research in the computer industry “.   A great read on a great initiative, a tool for all of us to use called Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), in my mind a wonderful example of building collective intelligence, very much in the spirit of this publication.

Happy reading!
Roland Lemoine
HPE NonStop Product Manager


  • Roland Lemoine

    Roland Lemoine has been working on NonStop for 23 years and is currently the product manager for database and blockchain languages and development products. Previous experience includes customer support for middleware products, Open Source advocacy and a strong UNIX background.

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