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Cover Story

HPE GreenLake for Payments: The Trusted Retail Payments Solution

Brian Miller

HPE GreenLake for Payments is the most powerful and complete solution for Retail payments and is fully capable of handling both card-based, and non-card, consumer payments. The HPE GreenLake for Payments solution is based on the world-leading TANGO software from Lusis Payments, deployed on the highly cost effective HPE systems, and is backed by HPE’s pedigree track-record in the migration and operation of mission critical systems. Delivered through HPE GreenLake, customers get a pay per use, scalable, managed solution, delivered as a Service.


Chapter News

Collin Yates

On 22 June 2021, BITUG held their popular ‘Little SIG’. This is a single-day event specifically targeting the UK NonStop community, and usually includes a number of customer and vendor presentations as well as the latest HPE Roadmap.

The 7 Best Compact Binoculars - [2021 Reviews] | Outside Pursuits

Virtualization; a world without limits now embraced by NonStop!

Richard Buckle

Virtualization, and the support of virtual operating systems, has been a part of IT for a very long time. The concepts are pretty simple; I/O has been much slower than main memory so actions taken by the processor have happened more quickly than actions directed at storage. This resulted in a lot of processor wait time and processor time was viewed as expensive; what could we do while we waited? Initially this lead to the creation of a number of partitions all sharing virtual storage (VS) so much so that it wasn’t unusual to find large systems running five, seven, twelve and more partitions that, in the case of IBM mainframes, broke processing down into online and batch.

Cover Story

The Power of NonStop Data Analytics

Joel Sandberg

Twenty years ago, data analytics was a field reserved for geeks and academics, something discussed during breaks in lectures on chaos theory. The idea was to take a very random system, with lots of seemingly disparate data, and be able to tie that tangled web of data together so that meaningful outcomes could be predicted. The most obvious example is weather forecasting, which involves analyzing all the earth’s atmospheric randomness in terms of ever-changing temperature, moisture, and wind, somehow using that data to tell people to bring an umbrella to that 1 pm picnic a week from Saturday.


Systems and Platforms: the lines in the sand.

Richard Buckle

Before we begin to look at HPE NonStop platform updates becoming available in 2021 it’s probably a good idea to take a step back and look at exactly what constitutes a platform. Like with every opinion, everyone has their own take on what constitutes a platform. It was so much easier when we all understood what was a computer, an operating system or an application but of late, the lines have become less clear. Can we still draw meaningful lines or have they become lines in the sand, subject to change every time a breeze disturbs their presence.