July-August 2021

The Flip Side

Gaye Clemson

It’s Time to Dry Our Tears and Move On Out of the ‘Waiting Room’ It’s refreshing to me to occasionally see honest

Nonstop Trends and Wins
July-August 2021

NonStop Trends & Wins

Justin Simonds

We have seen amazing progress in terms of digital transformation based on the pandemic. Indeed there was no choice. Those lucky enough to have jobs that lasted through the pandemic had to work from home.


Chapter News

Collin Yates

On 22 June 2021, BITUG held their popular ‘Little SIG’. This is a single-day event specifically targeting the UK NonStop community, and usually includes a number of customer and vendor presentations as well as the latest HPE Roadmap.


Chapter News

Jack McAuley

Every year, for the past 25 years, a technical event is held in Canada by a group called CTUG (Canadian Tandem Users Group).  Originally,  the purpose of the event was to learn and get updated on Tandem technology.

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Psst! Compliance Isn’t the Goal!

Marty Edelman

Corporations spend billions of dollars annually on compliance audits and remediations, dollars that one can argue are misused. Whenever a new data privacy standard is released, entire teams are spun up to bring systems into compliance.


NuWaves API Security Guide – Best Practices for REST Services

Dave Belliveau

REST has become the standard for information exchanged between disparate platforms and applications within the enterprise. In the NonStop space it is being used more and more, to allow NonStop applications to communicate with other enterprise applications, and integrate with solutions outside the enterprise.