• Crystal Point: The NonStop Connectivity Bunch
    Every company has an origin story, and company names aren’t always created from the obvious. Steve Jobs branded his company Apple Computer after he returned home from working in an apple orchard.  Jeff Bezos wanted his tiny business to become as big as the Amazon River, the largest in the world. Google was supposed to be named Googol, a math term for ten to the one-hundredth power.  But when the name was misspelled as Google during a domain name search, the decision was made to register the mistake.
  • News from HPE’s NonStop Division
    With a new year upon us, it’s a great opportunity to look back and reflect on where we’ve been, the successes we’ve had, the lessons we’ve learned, the new friends we’ve made, the relationships we’ve strengthened.
  • A Note from Connect Leadership
    Most of you are used to seeing this column penned by Navid Khodayari, who has done an amazing job for the last two years. With the new year, Navid has been promoted to past-president and I have been given the honor to be your president. I hope I will be able to continue the legacy that Navid has left me, I am sure with your help, along with our newest members of the board we will continue to build upon his work.
  • SunTUG and the HPE NonStop Salt Life
    It’s a long way to the next NonStop TBC this fall, but it’s not too far away for most of us in the middle of a cold winter to SunTUG this February 28-29th in Tampa, Florida. In fact, it’s quite inviting right now.
  • TBC 2019 Recap – REST with Payments
    The 2019 Connect NonStop Technical Boot Camp (TBC) was a brilliant event as usual.  Great presentation content from HPE and customers and some really good times catching up with and making new friends at the various networking events.
  • Expanding NonStop Opportunities
    As we all know, business is becoming increasingly technology-based. With this, enterprises need to deliver new digital services and be better at business innovation on an ongoing basis to continue being relevant and to expand their opportunities. This is fundamental to delivering value, growth, creating wealth, etc. – which is very important to Customers and stakeholders.
  • NonStop Trends & Wins
    NonStop – Some Clarification In visiting customers over the past few months it’s clear that there is some misunderstanding of
  • Multi-Factor Authentication Saves Time, Money, Reputation
    Before utilizing XYPRO software solutions and services, one prominent bank depended on non-standard, less secure processes for logging onto their HPE NonStop systems and applications. Relying on a single set of credentials that was managed separately from their corporate Active Directory was both difficult to integrate with enterprise infrastructure and gave poor user experience…
  • California Consumer Privacy Act: The Need for Data-Centric Security
    The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is the latest in a series of global privacy regulations. It comes with new requirements for dealing with personal data and is accompanied by severe penalties. Consequently, businesses must take appropriate action to comply with CCPA. While handling consent and opt-outs are at the forefront, successful mitigation of risks starts with data-centric security – it is about understanding where personal data resides and encrypting or anonymizing that data whenever possible. This is where technology, such as data tokenization becomes an essential element for every business.


  • theconnection

    The Connection is a journal for the HPE NonStop Business Technology Community. In print for 30 year and now digital, The Connection is your source for HPE NonStop news, releases, community, and more, as a part of the Connect Worldwide Community. Learn more and become a member at https://connect-community.org