Nonstop Trends and Wins
May - June 2022

NonStop Trends & Wins

Justin Simonds

As most of you know, NonStop generally is not a big participant of Discover and we showcase NonStop at our annual Bootcamp. This year will be a bit different. NonStop will be discussed at Discover. NonStop will be showcased as the platform for the new HPE Greenlake “Payments as a Service” being announced at Discover.


NonStop and abat+ at Discover 2022

Justin Simonds

HPE Virtualized NonStop started as just a concept and challenge to the NonStop development team. Andy Bergholz, if you remember him, had sent the team off for some virtualization training and just asked “Could NonStop be virtualized”? “No”, “Never” “Of course not” “Why”? But then, as Andy suspected, there started a lot of “Well, what if…” conversations and in just a little while they had booted NonStop under OpenStack. That’s the way great leaders get things done


Chapter News

Collin Yates

On 22 June 2021, BITUG held their popular ‘Little SIG’. This is a single-day event specifically targeting the UK NonStop community, and usually includes a number of customer and vendor presentations as well as the latest HPE Roadmap.