Happy New Year!
“Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.”
– Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
Dear Friends,
Welcome to 2021, a brand New Year that NonStop looks forward to with excitement. In spite of the terrible pandemic that’s still in full swing, there is hope on the horizon as vaccines roll out. And the good news is that the NonStop community managed to come together in spite of it all, with 2000+ registrants to the 2020 Virtual NonStop TBC that was held last November.
To build on that event, we are looking at holding some smaller but equally accessible virtual events during the 2021 year as we work towards a hybrid TBC in the fall of 2021 in Denver, Colorado. These smaller events may be focused on particular topics but are likely to be one day or half day events that you can attend conveniently from home with minimal impact to your work life. Meanwhile if you missed the TBC in 2020, most of the talks given by HPE and NonStop Partner companies were recorded and can be replayed online from the Connect on Demand library.
This first issue of The Connection for 2021, includes a number of really interesting topics that should get people thinking about new ways to make better and more efficient use of their NonStop systems. This edition spotlights one of our Service Partners, Odyssey Information Services. This is a timely article as with the move to doing more HPE GreenLake deals with NonStop and to eventually offering “aaS” models of delivery, Services for customers is going to become more and more important. Partners like Odyssey and many others like them, can help HPE fill unique and standard services needed by customers around the world adding to what HPE can already provide from PointNext and GreenLake.
Articles, like “NonStop beats accidental complexity where others hit a wall” by Roland Lemoine, our Database Product Manager in the NonStop team, helps application designers better recognize the things that the NonStop system can do for you and which you do not have to build into your application when it runs on the NonStop OS. Vikas Kapoor, our Marketing Manager for NonStop has complimented this article with his article entitled, “Answering the modern database challenge: Introducing HPE NonStop SQL Cloud Edition” which offers some new ways to purchase and use NonStop SQL. This goes hand in hand with HPE’s Paul Denzinger’ s article on “Database Refactoring with Liquibase” which advises on how to develop application databases using agile and evolutionary methods with Database Refactoring.
Meanwhile, Justin Simonds has written a small article calling out some of the ways HPE NonStop and Partners work together to help the Healthcare industry from NuWave’s LightWave ServerTM to Crossflo’s Crossflo DataExchange® (CDX), you can read more about this in his article entitled, “COVID-19 Detection and Other HPE NonStop Use Cases in the Healthcare Industry”
This issue also has an interesting article from our friends at Gravic, debunking many of the myths that seem to have grown up about the use of NonStop’s TMF (Transaction Management Facility), don’t miss it to be truly enlightened about the use of TMF and what it can do to ensure your data and transactions are protected. If you’re worried about security, XYPRO’s own Steve Tcherchian has written an interesting article called, “XYPRO’s 2021 Cybersecurity Predictions” which tells you what to consider such as deploying MFA to protect your company and other advice to protect yourself through 2021.
Richard Buckle rounds things out this month with an article entitled, “Your IT Transformation needs NonStop!” which talks about the IT transformation journey that everyone refers to and what it really means. Are you on a transformation journey with your business and your data center? What are your business goals and what strategies are you using to reach them? Have you considered how the use of NonStop may help you reach some of your transformations faster?
We hope that you will enjoy this edition of The Connection Magazine for the New Year. We expect to announce many partner products becoming available through HPE this year through the NonStop Showcase program and we are busily working on deals now that we look forward to sharing with you throughout 2021.
In the meantime, continue to follow safe practices and protect yourself during this pandemic – we want to see everyone in the NonStop community make it through to a safer and healthier world together!
Best wishes and great success in 2021 from everyone at HPE,
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