News from HPE’s NonStop Division

Dear NonStop Community,

The days get shorter and gold leaves sputter across driveways as another year winds down to a close.  It’s hard to believe that the year is nearly done.  And what a year it has been!  The NonStop business had a good year in 2021. We were re-organized into a team now called “HPE Data Solutions” in recognition of the huge volume of data processed and analyzed on NonStop servers. Jeff Kyle continues to lead this team. See the article from Iain Liston-Brown about this change and latest activities from our team that covers Europe, the Middle East and Africa.  For NonStop worldwide we also signed new Showcase deals with six more partners and brought 27 new products onto the pricebook.

We also put on a great virtual TBC this year with 75 talks and 1000 people attending.  Thanks goes out to our friends at Connect, who helped make this event a success for everyone.  We created and delivered a NonStop Metering tool and sold a new GreenLake deal that includes it.  We delivered two Release Version Updates (RVUs) (L21.06 and L21.11).  Our sales regions did an excellent job closing deals especially in Europe and in Japan.  We are happy to welcome new customers and partners to the NonStop community.

As a follow-on from the TBC, we had some smaller events in local areas. Japan hosted a one day TBC with another 160 customers attending, this was followed by a general APAC TBC event for 2 days focused on customers in Taiwan, Singapore, Korea, Indonesia, the South Pacific, etc.  A two day British Isles event is planned in December. TBC materials have continued to be used to provide latest information to additional customers around the world.  For more thoughts about the TBC, see Richard Buckle’s article about this year’s events, and his impressions as well as the impressions of key partners about the event.

This is the final edition of The Connection Magazine for 2021 and we have a lot of great articles to entertain you with in the “Best of NonStop for 2021”.  Perhaps you’ll notice, as I did that many articles in this edition have to do with managing and securing data.

Continuing with the theme of securing your system, Roland Lemoine has submitted an article on the topic of applying security rules with a balance towards sustaining productivity. Thomas Gloerfeld and Trevor J. Morgan from comforte have submitted an article that extends the conversation about security and Zero-trust methodology.  CSP’s article walks the reader through key security functionality needed in today’s world to protect data. Security is also the subject of Steve Tcherchian’s article on the recent change to make all XYPRO products available through HPE.

There’s a nice article in this edition on NonStop Clustering by Marcelo De Azevedo, the article goes into clustering as if you are reading the definitive textbook and is something you may want to keep handy if you are managing networks that include NonStop systems.

To round things out there is also an article on Virtualized NonStop from the HPE team in Japan and a great article from Randall Becker on the benefits of NSGIT on the NonStop system for software development.  NuWave has submitted an article about their new product, NuWave Prizm GatewayTM an interesting new solution to help customers integrate critical components of their enterprise to manage and secure connections. The Gravic team has submitted a very interesting article on Architectures that provide Data Integrity that help preserve businesses that need to run Mission Critical applications on their systems.  Andrew Price from InfoSoft has also provided an article with more information on how uLinga is supporting Kafka to help customers’ process huge volumes of data.

So as 2021 comes to a quiet close everyone at HPE wants to take this opportunity thank our customers for their business and our partners for their support and continued belief in the NonStop platform.  Our wish is for you and your families to have wonderful and safe holiday this year.  We look forward to seeing you in 2022 – Happy New Year!

Karen Copeland
NonStop Product Management







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  • Karen Copeland

    Karen Copeland has worked in the NonStop business since 1983, holding individual or management positions in IT, Software Engineering, QA, Application development and Product Management. In her current position she is responsible for the Worldwide Product Management team for the HPE Mission Critical NonStop platform.

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