Expanding NonStop Opportunities

NonStop to Maximize Data Value

With the value of data losing value in seconds, minutes or hours – time is of the essence to maximize data value to improve decision making – with immediate insights, to add intelligence to processes, create opportunities, etc. For those interested in meaningfully improving outcomes by maximizing data value and innovating for impact – these are core ingredients for success in an on-line, real-time, all-the-time world.

How is NonStop relevant to this ?

Very Relevant, with Very High System Availability – since NonStop based information services are designed to perform in this very demanding environment. In conjunction this, very high system availability is defined as 99.99999 (7 9’s) or higher availability – continuously, from when the application goes live. This is essential to address increasing business demands and rising User expectations as well as to mitigate the huge risks and brand damage associated with system outage or poor performance.

For insights on the consequences with failing to perform, see –

Challenges in the On-Line, Real-Time, All-The-Time World

Examples of Disruptive Innovation Being Difficult in Enterprises

To get past the issues and realize the significant benefits with very high available information services, innovating for impact, and getting more value from data in today’s very demanding business and system environments, see –

The Importance of High System Availability

CAIL Business Innovation Services

In this context, to be successful in an on-line, real-time, all-the-time world, the need is to –

1. Have very high available, responsive information services
2. Innovate for impact
3. Maximize data value

…. and with NonStop designed to deliver on these needs, is why NonStop matters.
To learn more, see Improving Outcomes with NonStop and / or contact CAIL or HPE.


  • Ron Thompson

    Ron Thompson is CEO of CAIL, a HPE and Micro Focus Partner with many Customers utilizing CAIL software to improve connectivity, security, automate and modernize information services - at the desktop and in mobile. This applies to NonStop systems as well as with all platforms - to increase NonStop appeal and value. Ron has an extensive background in technology and business as well as numerous experiences from CAIL venture investing and enterprise innovation initiatives. rthompson@cail.com / 800-668-5769 / 905-940-9000.

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