From MultiBatch to DORA and more, ETI-NET engages with NonStop community worldwide

Mike Mitsch, ETI-NET Director, Business Development,addressing the recent Asia Pacific HPE NonStop Tech Summit 2024
Mike Mitsch, ETI-NET Director, Business Development, addressing the recent Asia Pacific HPE NonStop Tech Summit 2024

From your ETI-NET Marketing Team

Travel has been high on the agenda for ETI-NET this year. Whether it has been the opportunity to address NonStop communities across the Americas, Europe, or Asia Pacific, ETI-NET has elected to participate wherever the ETI-NET message can be broadcast. While the mileage has racked up, there is no substitute for face-to-face meetings with those directly engaged with NonStop customers. Listening to their customers’ business requirements provides ETI-NET with opportunities across the product portfolio as well as the ability to enhance product development to better meet the ever-evolving NonStop market requirements.

Perhaps the biggest advantage of meeting with NonStop communities worldwide comes from understanding the business environment within which they operate. Whether it’s the extreme weather Australian users experience, where basic services, including power and even water, are always at risk, or Europe, where a growing list of mandates requires careful navigation. Financial institutions in the Americas continue to be scrutinized, and stress-testing their ability to stay in business puts them in the crosshairs of legislative bodies. There is clearly no lessening in the need to have firm plans in place to detect, prevent, or restore and then recover from any form of unwanted intrusion in a timely manner.

Of the recent NonStop community gatherings, ETI-NET was present for the HPE NonStop Tech Summits 2024 in Taiwan and Korea, followed by the BITUG BIG SIG in London. Present in Taiwan and Korea was Mike Mitsch, ETI-NET Director, Business Development, while in London, ETI-NET was represented by Karl Gilbank, European Director at ETI-NET. Whereas the climate and the temperatures they encountered couldn’t have been more different between locations, the message was the same. ETI-NET delivers innovative solutions to support HPE’s digital resilience and modernization initiatives. With the ever-growing cyber threats, it remains a data-driven conversation whenever the NonStop community gathers. Still, by itself, data needs management and protection to be of value to the enterprise.

“Government regulators, legislatures, and insurers are taking a much more active role in understanding IT security operations within organizations,” said Mike Mitsch. “This is creating an environment where ETI-NET can assist. The need to protect their backup data and to do so cost-effectively may not be the first thing that comes to mind, and yet, without an effective strategy in place, companies and governments can be left vulnerable to the actions of an increasingly sophisticated group of bad actors.”

Perhaps there is no bigger topic being covered by HPE and the NonStop team than Digital Resilience. For the EMEA markets, there has been a sense of urgency associated with implementing a demonstrable Digital Resilience strategy following the passage of the law of DORA.

“With DORA, the Digital Operational Resilience Act, Europe has pivoted regulations away from mere suggestions to where companies must act,” said Mike Mitsch. “This regulation has been enacted ‘to enhance the operational resilience of digital systems that support financial institutions operating in European markets, with a comprehensive focus on risk management, incident response, and governance.’ As such, if you are an organization operating in the financial sectors, including Banks, Insurance Companies, and Investment firms, you will be impacted and need to be prepared when the application of DORA goes into effect on January 17, 2025.”

There is a lot at stake for company directors of those enterprises operating in these sectors, as it is these company directors who will be held liable for any failure under their watch from decisions made to not fully implement DORA. For ETI-NET, compliance with this new European legislation has seen an increased interest in ETI-NET BackBox®, with QoreStor®, to implement and demonstrate backup data immutability utilizing advanced object locking techniques supported by clearly defined separation of duties. Together with implementing the 3-2-1-x rule (in accordance with current operational standards) and ETI-NET’s follow-up with support for various immutable data protection models, NonStop customers can be assured that they are well on their way to demonstrating compliance with DORA.

Working with other NonStop partners as part of the HPE NonStop Digital Resilience Framework, the available attack surface open to bad actors is substantially reduced to where NonStop customers can rest assured their data is being secured via multiple layers of protected storage. The architecture of NonStop goes a long way to protect the financial sector, but in the world of Hybrid IT, nothing can be assumed to be safe from attack, not even the latest and most modern HPE NonStop systems.

Karl Gilbank, European Director at ETI-NET,addressing the BITUG BIG SIG gathering in London
Karl Gilbank, European Director at ETI-NET,
addressing the BITUG BIG SIG gathering in London

The focus at BITUG’s annual BIG SIG event in London shifted to batch processing and focused on a similar theme of securing operations and modernization.

Perhaps not as glamorous a topic as ransomware, but batch processing is nevertheless potentially vulnerable in areas such as separation of duty, as well as security enhancements and continued enhancements around modernization.

Native NonStop batch products (NetBatch and NetBatch Plus) have not seen a new release of the product since 2004. With MultiBatch from ETI-NET, NonStop customers can take advantage of a solution that conforms with increasing security requirements and places modernization at the heart of the organization’s strategy.

MultiBatch AdvantagesMultiBatch has sophisticated, dynamic GUIs for Administrators and for Operators. No TACL, Block Mode, or Green Screen experience is required to use MultiBatch, offering to bring a new generation of users to NonStop batch processing. These GUIs also underpin resiliency and protection as responsibilities are separated by placing the administration (job creation) and the operational (job processing) in the hands of different personnel with different roles – a practice that is strongly encouraged by all parties associated with security.
“Job scheduling and NonStop may not appear in many conversations given the transactional focus of NonStop systems, and yet, scheduling or batch processing is a mission-critical procedure for most NonStop customers. It should not and indeed cannot be overlooked, and working with a vendor like ETI-NET ensures the level of protection all companies demand today,” said Karl Gilbank.

Security; protection; separation of duty; modernization; recoverability. The message coming from ETI-NET is about all of this and more.

Firms that are committed to NonStop must think carefully about their choice of products and the vendors that they work with. If your organization has security, protection, modernization, and recovery at the top of your IT priority list, then ETI-NET is Your NonStop Partner.

ETI-NET is a Platinum Sponsor at NonStop TBC 2024 in Monterey. Book an appointment with us to learn more about the latest updates, and how the ETI-NET suite of NonStop products helps to protect and modernize NonStop systems globally.

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Phone – (514) 395 1200


  • ETI-NET Marketing Team

    ETI-NET is the worldwide leader in managing critical data for industries that never stop. We develop software which allows NonStop servers to access modern technologies. Now in our third decade of operation, ETI-NET is renowned for delivering leading-edge components to major data centres globally. ETI-NET products evolved in the earliest days of massive data transfer across disparate servers within complex data centers. The company acquired a core competence in managing this category of data traffic, which today defines the market for advanced backup solutions. Backup interfaces from NonStop to mainframes, APIs to storage servers, and device emulators and controllers are all the result of our focus and expertise in this important discipline. For over 25 years, hundreds of the world’s largest companies have been relying on ETI-NET software due to our unique expertise, impeccable track record and reputation for excellence. ETI-NET is proud to be part of the PartnerOne Capital portfolio of companies. ETI-NET can be best reached as follows – Web – Phone - (514) 395-1200

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