You are Responsible for Data Security in the Cloud
Thomas GloerfeldCloud computing is the fuel powering modern digital transformation. Across the globe, organizations invested heavily during the pandemic to adapt to new market conditions, drive more efficient business processes and support mass home working. It’s estimated that 60% of corporate data globally is now stored in the cloud, and much of this will be in public cloud data centres.
Data; it lives and it grows – with NonStop SQL, data truly has found a home.
Richard BucklePerhaps the most enduring character from the fictional Star Trek franchise just happens to be Data. With his positronic brain he could out-compute the likes of Vulcans and in so doing, endeared himself to viewers worldwide, given his total lack of emotion. Before Data, there had been Spock, but in Data we saw a significant upgrade albeit one with absolutely no understanding of humanity. In many ways, the mere thought of having someone like Data onboard the spaceship USS Enterprise, gave the scriptwriters that all-important way out whenever situations escalated beyond belief. With Data, there was always an option.
Using Python and ODBC to connect HPE NonStop SQL/MX
Shanice AbigailNonStop beats accidental complexity where others hit a wall
Roland LemoineThe topic of essential versus accidental complexity goes back to ancient Greece in a classification from Aristotle. But we can go just 30 years back instead of 3000 to find it well illustrated in software development, by Fred Brooks, a Turing award winner. In his 1987 essay “No Silver Bullet” he introduces two concepts, essential complexity and accidental complexity. Essential complexity is inherent to the problem the software needs to solve and cannot be removed.