Yikes! My very first video presentation.
I have been presenting, training, and pronouncing on the advantages of Insider Technologies product set for over 20 years, across various User Groups, customer installations, and training sessions but not one of them has involved the use of video. So why now?
This all goes back to our partnership with NuWave Technologies, the results of which were the creation of a new Reflex UI, ably assisted by LightWave Server™.
Karl Gilbank, Insider Technologies Managing Director, looked at the new Reflex UI and suggested to me…
“Dave, you need to make a video presentation about the latest UI, how it was developed, the advantages of LightWave Server for the development process, and then introduce it at the upcoming VIRTU-NUG”.
So of course, being a compliant employee, willing victim and show off, I agreed.
Writing the presentation was fair enough, constant reviews, rewrites, re-ordering, as is the standard in this comparatively easy-going discipline.
The next step was to record myself presenting…and as previously mentioned, yikes!
How many times can you swear, sweat and laugh during multiple retakes of a video?
I ought to have created it in sections, I think and put it together but as a beginner, I wanted to create it in one sitting, thus the anxiety and the dry throat accompanying the restrained scouse accent.
Andrew Price (NuWave Director, Sales and Business Operations) was presented with the resulting MP4 file to be added to the end of his LightWave Server™ presentation, which is why, unfortunately, you don’t see me thanking Andrew for his handover. My apologies, Andrew.
Excuse the bland background in the video but my bookshelves were to the left of me and figured it would be a little bit distracting for attendees as they concentrated on the titles and authors, noticing how Leonardo da Vinci, is next to Jacob Bronowski, alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger, Don Quixote, One Hundred Years of Solitude (Karl will appreciate the last two).
Haven’t mentioned the comic books…
During the day in question, slots were being changed as to when Andrew and I would be presenting and being a novice in the use of Slack, I was logged on, nervously awaiting our slot as well as checking announcements from Kelly Luna.
Then the time arrived…does anybody actually watch a video of themselves?
I wasn’t too keen on watching it but vanity, intrigue and masochism prevailed. In the end, I was glad I did, because I was quite proud of my little self and it did stand up to other presentations in VIRTU-NUG.
To all those who attended, I would like to pass on my thanks and to those who couldn’t, well, you don’t know what you missed and therefore, why don’t you view it here:
Insider Technologies Use Case of NuWave LightWave Server for REST Services Enablement
Andrew Price (NuWave) & Dave Shields (Insider Technologies)
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