HPE NonStop depends on a thriving partner ecosystem; supporting each other ensures moving the needle


Meme stating "Iprovise. Adapt. Overcome"Yes, that is another way to look at absorb, adapt and transform!

From your NTI Marketing Team

There are probably less than a handful of NonStop community members that haven’t heard of Top Gear or The Grand Tour. A mix of life experiences, the pursuit of the absurd sometimes only interrupted for a brief conversation about cars. And yet, from these overt comedian’s bent on entertainment, comes words of wisdom. Equating Absorb with Improvise may be a stretch even as we might acknowledge how the process of absorbing does involve improvisation. Adapt continues to mean adapt. But Transform equated to Overcome? Turns out, this is not a stretch at all given how driving any transformation is the desire to overcome. Otherwise, why pursue a transformation at all?

This photo appeared in an NTI presentation at this year’s NonStop TBC 2024 Conference (#NonStopTBC24). Its presence in the PowerPoint deck simply providing yet one more way to better describe Business Resilience. The HPE NonStop team has done a very good job this year educating the community on its product roadmaps and its work with vendors large and small. When it comes to development and deployment HPE NonStop Team aggressive pursuit of support for industry-standards is already paying dividends as the creation of middleware, infrastructure, tools and utilities continues at a much faster clip than previously observed.

However, there is still the need to grab a hammer, as some aspects of HPE NonStop’s described mission looks to defy logic. When you don’t know what or how exactly you fix your messaging, be brutal and have at it with a hammer, possibly? According to Tim Dunne, NTI’s Global Director Worldwide Sales, what NonStop TBC24 highlighted yet again, was that, “for as long as I can recall, NonStop has been about community where all vendors became partners, supporting one another to the benefit of NonStop.

Most recently, the NonStop sales team has been seen “giving the cold shoulder to all those NonStop vendors that are not part of their vendor ecosystem. This is a mold which needs to be broken, and soon; alienating the vast majority of partners who had sustained NonStop for fifty years is what is defying logic.” Apparently, the way these independent NonStop vendors see it, fixing the messaging, transforming it to something relatable and inclusive, accommodating everyone in the NonStop community, calls for the NonStop team to be brutal and have at it with a hammer obliterating those intransient molds that had served the team for so many years; possible? Yes, it’s not like our NonStop team doesn’t know how to fix your NonStop acquisitions!

NTI’s theme at conferences and events in 2024 has been to draw attention to the negative side of bundling and the limitations such bundling creates. The NonStop customer community did ask the NonStop sales team to consider bundling a number of products – solutions, middleware, utilities and more – into a single solution, offering supported by one invoice. While the objective of these NonStop customers is understandable, perhaps it’s not the best way to meet their true needs. History has highlighted how bundling of products not only has limitation but, in reality, has never truly delivered on its promise. Certainly, one invoice could be created, but the best possible solution guaranteed? Not so fast!

The objective of providing the customer a better deal may translate to budgeting for a single invoice but in reality, when it comes to bundles that always are a mixed bag, to reference one more adage. For the NonStop customer, when it comes time to upgrade to the next and better NonStop system offering, facing the prospect of overturning years of product experience together with a long-standing vendor relationship may not be the answer that these NonStop customers envisioned. Who can attest to the benefits of taking on a bundle that spans the good, the bad and the ugly?

If the hammer is not taken up and the molds broken, then it becomes a call to compete. As hard as it may appear, competing with the NonStop team doesn’t throw up insurmountable hurdles. Absorb the news, adapt the product roadmap, and transform your messaging. And that’s what happened at NonStopTBC24 this year. If you missed stopping by the NTI table or skipped an opportunity to hear one of our two presentations, you will have not heard how NTI is addressing time, challenging money and working to ensure NonStop thrives over the next fifty years.

But what does this mean? Standing on its own, strengthening its own partner ecosystem, leveraging the development skills of others, NTI can complete migrations to the DRNet®/Unified product suite in a timelier manner and at a lower cost point. If customers sought to influence HPE to simplify the invoice process for third party software then this wasn’t indifferent to their need to trim costs. For NonStop to remain a competitive option, the costs we see today need to be reigned-in – a key component of today’s message from NTI.

Yes, Save Time; Save Money; Save NonStop! became the mantra for the NTI team throughout NonStopTBC24. It was directed at the NonStop community at large. With the expansion of the NonStop base being what it is today, new business for almost all vendors comes from migrating from one product to another. Triggered, as it has been, by incumbent products being orphaned, downplayed and put on hold, or simply delivered with additional burdens arising from the need for co-reps, pre-reqs and a long list of services needed. Time-consuming, expensive and yes, an unintended consequence from bundling which may ultimately cost the business more in the long run.

There was a lot more covered at NonStopTBC24 this year and much of it will trickle out via posts to social media channels and in articles published to NonStop focused magazines. We may not find solutions by watching car reality shows but, all the same, occasionally their messaging will resonate with many of us. In this case and from the photo above, it proved too hard to ignore.

If you happened to have been one of those who missed stopping by the NTI table or couldn’t find time to hear any of our presentations, but you would like to know more about the success of NTI with our DRNet®/Unified product suite, simply call the number below or email us at any time at:


Network Technologies International, Inc.
635 Park Meadow Road, Suite 209
Westerville, Ohio 43081-2877

Phone: +1 (614) 794-6000

N.T.I. Limited
Ard Mhuire
Camp Street
Co. Galway
H91 K5PE








  • NTI Marketing Team

    NTI provides support from direct sales and support teams complemented with support of major global partners and tools and utilities together with a growing ecosystem of partners and consultants. To help better support our global customer base our expertise spans all major NonStop Server-based applications, yet DRNet® remains application independent so changing to a different database or application does not require changes to DRNet®. We are proud to have been a part of the Tandem / Compaq / HPE community since 1985 and an Alliance / Technology partner since 1992. Today, NTI is a Silver participant as a HPE Technology Partner.

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