NonStop – in the “Cloud” / in a “Platform” Strategy
Extending on previous articles on improving outcomes with NonStop by “Aligning Applications and Platforms”, NonStop is also relevant in conjunction with “Cloud” initiatives or in a “Platform” strategy – and important in Hybrid system environments.
NonStop In The Cloud
With the three Cloud scenarios below all having merit, NonStop is relevant in two of them. Having industry leading availability, scalability and supporting standards, NonStop is appealing for Cloud initiatives – especially for Private Cloud deployments (ie: information services inside the enterprise firewall). This is very important to better protect corporate IP, manage change, minimize ongoing costs, reduce business risk, etc. These are important benefits, especially with NonStop in respect to executive competencies that tend to be in the core business (ie: finance, distribution, medical, etc.). This is not necessarily so with technology, which is required with an internal Server Farm deployment.
NonStop in a “Platform” Strategy
Recognizing many organizations have the same components: a Hybrid system environment, a wide range of business needs, many applications, various processes, compliance requirements, etc. Given this, NonStop should be the platform of choice for applications.
- having high impact / business value – generates revenue, Customer facing
- needing very high system availability – to meet User expectations
- to avoid issues, brand damage, liability, etc. from system outages
As you will notice in the chart above, NonStop is a “Platform” in Sec D through Sec G – where the applications have high impact on the business. From this, the more important or demanding the application is, the more relevant NonStop is.
Extending on the above insights about NonStop relevance in “Cloud initiatives” , or in conjunction with a “Platform strategy” , or as a valuable platform in a Hybrid system environment – to better ensure improved business outcomes, there is also a need for performance metrics by specifying that important applications require:
- 99.99999 % (7 9’s) or higher system availability to Users
- $1,000,000. / minute fee from the supplier for non-compliance
From this it’s clear that NonStop delivers important benefits to organizations increasingly dependent on digital services to increase relevance and revenue, needing to be more agile, wanting to make business innovation more rewarding, to better align opportunity / cost / risk, reduce legal liability, mitigate brand damage, etc.
Bottom line, NonStop matters – if the objective is to improve business outcomes and realize success in an on-line, real-time, all-the-time world.
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