News from HPE’s NonStop Division

July-August 2020

Hope you and yours are doing well and keeping healthy.

We’re in a new world, “new” in more ways than one. The biggest change is the social norms and people’s interactions. Not sure how long it’s going to last. Some say “this could be a lasting change” but I do hope that’s not true. Human perseverance to improve lives have always won over crises that threaten to take us backwards. I do look forward to see that happening this time again!

Thank God we have NonStop running the mission-critical IT for enterprises. Imagine if you have to plan all that you’d otherwise need to do to keep the “lights on” – patching systems weekly/monthly, addressing outages, mitigating security alarms and many more while figuring out how to respond to the pandemic. For your workloads running on NonStop, the IT tasks would have been bare minimal, allowing you to focus your attention on protecting yourself, your employees from the pandemic and also protect your business as may be needed.

Some news from HPE and the NonStop Enterprise Division. Like everyone else, HPE too is getting to the new norm of remote working, video meetings, office space rules and so on. The immediate casualty has been the group works and inter-personal interactions at the workplace. Being a daily office commuter, I’m now more of a desk jockey! On the positive side, we had an all virtual HPE Discover in June which was quite a unique experience. I hope many of you were able to attend to see first-hand how HPE persevered with its annual marketing event, turning the challenge into a huge opportunity for itself and the community at large.

For the NonStop community, Connect with assistance from NonStop product management is holding online user events as a platform for sharing the latest happenings. I hope it’s providing ample opportunity for the community to continue to engage with peers and customers. While the lack of personal touch is indeed a lowlight, hey – nothing is permanent. As the old adage goes – “tough times never last, tough people do”. Being tough is second nature for NonStop and the community that trusts it!

Hope you find this edition enlightening.

Prashanth Kamath
WW NonStop Product Management

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  • Prashanth Kamath U

    Prashanth is the HPE Product Manager responsible for the NonStop OS, RVUs and Security. He has over 20 years of experience as a developer and engineering manager in the software industry spanning across Telco and Mission Critical OS’. He is an Electronics graduate from National Institute of Technology, Surathkal (India) and has done Post Graduate diploma in business management from Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore (India).

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