Dear NonStop community,
Happy New Year to all, welcome to 2022 and if this new year sees as much innovation as last year then we’re up to very exciting times! Because looking back on last year, one may realize how much we have accomplished. Our first steps into Payment-as-a-Service; the worldwide adoption of virtualized NonStop in production environments; the dramatic expansion of our portfolio with partner products including leading solutions on security, business continuity and analytics; the introduction of NS4 and NS8 systems; the introduction of ML technology with our NonStop SQL and finally, the evolution to new consumption models such as what is available with HPE GreenLake. I think this is showing the remarkable energy of this community, working as a team towards the common goal to improve the customer’s experience, year after year.
So, what’s cooking for 2022? Without pointing to any specifics, it is safe to say that digital transformation is under the radar for everyone. This means moving to a data driven enterprise where analytics is key to keep a competitive edge. And once again NonStop can carry a leading conversation at so many levels. First with products that use next generation technology such as Change Data Capture (CDC), time series and windowing, in-memory processing, machine learning and artificial intelligence. Second by increasing the choices of how and where you run analytics, should it be on the NonStop or off platform, on premise or in the cloud, integrating into Data Warehouse, Data Lakes or even the recently introduced “Data Lakehouse”! Third with data transformation capabilities to onboard new edge data sources in combination with legacy applications. Yes, the big picture gets sophisticated very quickly.
But the good news for the NonStop community is that data integration is not new to us and we can rely on decades of experience. Our database has been used in many different scenarios of data warehouse, ETL, ODS in the most demanding environments. We have the experience, and we understand the value of getting data in real-time, data integrity, or the subtle differences of data replication use cases. Experience is what it takes to fight the ever-growing complexity of IT and in this community, we nurture that experience as we know how valuable it is. We learn from the past to build our future.
With that in mind, it is very natural that in this edition of The Connection magazine, a pillar for sharing our experience, should be dedicated to Ernie Guerrera and Janice Reeder-Highleyman. We know how they both contributed to the community. Both showing remarkable examples of how to transmit your knowledge and experience to the younger generations. They have set examples for us to remember and follow. The NonStop division is joining the community in celebrating Ernie and Janice and all the great memories everyone has shared with them.
In their honor please consider a donation to Future Leaders In Technology.
In this edition, you will find an article from Richard Buckle on the various ways you get analytics out of NonStop operational systems. And to keep this data secure, an article from Comforte highlights how you may proceed, leveraging research data from a Gartner study in this area. Steve Tcherchian shares XYPRO Cybersecurity Predictions for 2022 a reminder of how critical it is to immediately change our approach to secure data to avoid ransomware. You’ll also find, one of the most popular presentations of TBC2021 commented by Bryce Kosinski and Luke McManamon. And finally, Justin Simonds expands our vision of what data processing may look like in the future leveraging quantum computing.
Take care and share the NonStop knowledge!
Roland Lemoine
NonStop Product Management
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
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