Greetings NonStop Community,
Welcome to Summer! We had a great first half to our RUG season and most recently an always great N2TUG meeting in Dallas where the audience was treated to a great presentation about DevOps by Meg Watson of HPE’s Advanced Technology Center.
Just the week before N2TUG, your Connect team was in fabulous Las Vegas for the HPE Discover Show, where NonStop and other technologies were on full display. Antonio Neri had quite the announcement when he let the world know that all of HPE’s product portfolio will be available as a service by 2022.
Of course, those of us in NonStop have been aware of our own upcoming NonStop as a Service model for quite some time. Later in the keynote, Antonio passed the stage to Phil Davis who, among other things, talked about HPE’s commitment to the Mission Critical Platform by announcing HPE Primera (Intelligent Storage for Mission Critical Applications). A cool moment for us all was when Phil mentioned NonStop in his keynote. I can’t remember the last time NonStop was mentioned by name in a keynote, and it clearly shows the commitment of HPE to our platform. We will definitely be covering HPE Primera and other keynote announcements more in depth in future issues of our sister publication Connect Converge and, in the meantime, I encourage everyone to take a moment to read about HPE Primera on the HPE website. It will be time well spent.
What this author took away most from HPE Discover, as it relates to NonStop, was something I wrote in my first Presidents Letter; which is that “NonStop is no island”. This is true now more than ever. With Virtual NonStop’s starting to be planned for corporate production, and the NonStop as a Service offering around the corner, the technology is truly part of the team. A team with a lot of star players about to start the playoffs!
In closing this letter, I’d like to reaffirm the entire Connect teams belief that it truly is a great time to be part of NonStop, and a great time to be part of the HPE ecosphere. Good times ahead!
Navid Khodayari
Connect Worldwide President
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