XYPRO and ACI Worldwide offer PCI DSS 4.0 Compliance for BASE24 Customers

XYPRO and ACI Worldwide offer PCI DSS 4.0 Compliance for BASE24 Customers


Most banking applications are built on earlier architectures and technologies and pose significant security challenges, especially under the new Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards 4.0 (PCI DSS). These applications face greater risk due to coding practices at development time and the absence of modern security features like Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). Enhancing these applications with MFA is a necessity to protect against unauthorized access and data breaches.


NonStop TBC 22 has wrapped up. See what you’ve missed!

Richard Buckle

With his opening words, “It’s not where we are headed but how fast we will get there,” the boss of all things NonStop, Jeff Kyle, set the tone for the latest NonStop Technical Boot Camp (NonStop TBC 22). “We are a platform and not a server; the platform we are perfecting for mission critical applications. We create the data and we transact the data!”

Leader's notes


Roland Lemoine

Where manageability and security meet for a common goal The database manageability experience is in constant evolution. Not only because


Prioritize Your CyberSecurity Initiatives


Get an insider’s look into new features and functionality that maximize your XYGATE security investment. Steve discusses XYPRO’s latest advances in Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), Compliance, and Anomaly Detection. Get updates on HPE NonStop integrations with Splunk, SailPoint, CyberArk, and ServiceNow.


XYPRO Cybersecurity Predictions for 2022

Steve Tcherchian

Well, we made it. 2021 is finally in the books. The gift of LOG4J and the onslaught of vendor emails made for an eventful end to 2021. Take a minute (and I only mean a minute) to catch your breath before we jump headfirst into 2022. It’s time to look forward to what the cybersecurity landscape will give us this year.


XYPRO – Best of NonStop 2021

Steve Tcherchian

Have we become numb to the news of security breaches? Unfortunately, the attacks on our businesses, personal lives and even global infrastructure are not slowing down. Cybercrime is up over 600% during the pandemic. According to Verizon’s 2021 Data Breach Investigation Report, 61% of cyberattacks targeted credential theft. This far surpasses personal, banking and payment card information which have been primary targets for years. The cybersecurity industry has responded with a variety of ways to protect sensitive data with regulations, technology, and awareness, which has forced attackers to look for easier targets, such as usernames and passwords.


GDPR 2021 – Compliance and Penalties; 3 Years Later

Steve Tcherchian

The General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR, is a major piece of legislation adopted in 2018. It is designed to address the protection and responsible use of every European Union citizen’s personal data. However, GDPR is not an EU-only regulation. It affects ANY business or individual handling the data of EU citizens, regardless of where that business or individual is based.



Steve Tcherchian

Since the release of PCI-DSS 3.0 in 2013, the PCI Security Standards Council has been quite busy. A little over a year after it was published, the council released PCI-DSS 3.1, followed by several new templates and supplements, including the “Migrating from SSL and early TLS Information Supplement” in April 2015 which highlighted the risks of SSL and TLS 1.0. The supplement described a migration plan as well as set a migration deadline of 1 July, 2016.


XYPRO’s 2021 Cybersecurity Predictions

Steve Tcherchian

With 2020 finally, in the books, it’s time to look forward and discuss our cybersecurity predictions that will most affect the industry in 2021. I thought long and hard about what I could say that would be impactful and hasn’t been said before.  Obviously, COVID-19 and its security ramifications will continue to stay with us for 2021 and well beyond.


XYPRO: Confronting Inaction in the CyberSecurity Industry

Steve Tcherchian

2020 was another troubling year in the cybersecurity world. We saw a repeat of 2019’s data breaches on a larger scale. Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Nintendo, WaWa and many more fell victim to some sort of compromise. Hardly a week went by where we weren’t reading about a new mega breach or ransomware attack.