

Steve Tcherchian

Since the release of PCI-DSS 3.0 in 2013, the PCI Security Standards Council has been quite busy. A little over a year after it was published, the council released PCI-DSS 3.1, followed by several new templates and supplements, including the “Migrating from SSL and early TLS Information Supplement” in April 2015 which highlighted the risks of SSL and TLS 1.0. The supplement described a migration plan as well as set a migration deadline of 1 July, 2016.


XYPRO’s 2021 Cybersecurity Predictions

Steve Tcherchian

With 2020 finally, in the books, it’s time to look forward and discuss our cybersecurity predictions that will most affect the industry in 2021. I thought long and hard about what I could say that would be impactful and hasn’t been said before.  Obviously, COVID-19 and its security ramifications will continue to stay with us for 2021 and well beyond.