Ian Inglis Manager, Product Management – NonStop Solutions at Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Cover Story

Getting acquainted – a chat with a NonStop insider

Justin Simonds

Similar to our interview with Karen Ramirez a few issues back, Connect wanted to hear from HPE Product Management Manager Ian Inglis. Ian has been in the position now for two NonStop Technical Boot Camp events, so it was high time to find out more about him and his NonStop Vision.


A Note From Connect Leadership

Marty Edelman

With fingers crossed it looks like most of the world is digging out from the pandemic and beginning to contemplate life in a post-covid world. Things will probably never go back to the way they were before but one of the constant in this world is that you either evolve or die. We at Connect choice to evolve (as I hope you do too) and have been busy at work on the NonStop Bootcamp which will be a great show this year. We have an amazing new venue in Denver in a great part of town to ensure that there is plenty to see and do.