Marty Edelman
A Note from Connect Leadership
Marty EdelmanA Note from Connect Leadership
Marty EdelmanA Note From Connect Leadership
Marty EdelmanA Note From Connect Leadership
Marty EdelmanA Note from Connect Leadership
Marty EdelmanA Note from Connect Leadership
Marty EdelmanA Note From Connect Leadership
Marty EdelmanA Note From Connect Leadership
Marty EdelmanAugust 2020, where to even start… As I write this note to our community, things in the US are still uncertain vis-à-vis Covid-19, but I know as a community, we will continue to thrive and do great things! HPE had a virtual Discover event that was pretty well received, things are still in the planning stage for the NonStop Bootcamp, and I am sure we will have a great event no matter what format it will be. We have also had a few great NonStop virtual events, so things are continuing, abet in different formats.