In Every Issue

The Flipside

Gaye Clemson

According to recent articles on the HR Exchange Network website by Michael Arena, the former Vice President of Talent Management & Development at Amazon Web Services (AWS), research has shown that though ‘Bonding Connections’ held  up pretty well through the pandemic and the ongoing transition to more permanent hybrid work, ‘bridging connections’ have nose dived.

Cover Story

The Flipside

Gaye Clemson

A few weeks ago, I received an email from a northern California dog rescue organization letting me know that there were a number of Bernese Mountain Dogs, rescued from an Ohio puppy mill, who needed ‘forever’ homes.

July-August 2021

The Flip Side

Gaye Clemson

It’s Time to Dry Our Tears and Move On Out of the ‘Waiting Room’ It’s refreshing to me to occasionally see honest


A Note From Connect Leadership

Marty Edelman

There is an old Chinese curse that says “May he live in interesting times” and it seems we all are! With everything happening around the globe these days, we all need to stay alert and make smart decisions. Panic is not a strategy. Many trade shows are being canceled, and time will tell if the regional user group meetings will be canceled too. If they are, I’d like to encourage folks who were going to be presenting to share their message via our publications and website. Our Slack channel is open for business, and as a community we can use it to gather and discuss all things HPE.