
Connect 2023 NonStop Technical Boot Camp

Bill Honaker

A mere week ago (as I write this), Connect held its annual showcase NonStop user meeting. As I first sat down to write about it, I realized it’s the first time since 1995 that the annual ITUG or Connect NonStop meeting has been held outside of California

Nonstop Trends and Wins
March - April 2022

Trends & Wins

Justin Simonds

Well, it was very nice to actually attend a User Group meeting in person. It seems like it’s been forever. SunTUG 22 seemed to be pretty well attended. Kevin Shabow, the North American Director of NonStop Sales, kicked off the conference and asked for direct feedback from the audience. This harkened back to the origins of ITUG when Jimmy and execs would have open forums about what was needed, what was working, and what wasn’t. Jimmy always mentioned how very valuable direct customer feedback was to him and the team.


In Memory of Janice Reeder-Highleyman

Gravic, Inc.

Janice Reeder-Highleyman, 69, passed away on January 2, 2022 due to a long illness. She was intensely private and never wanted to talk much about herself. Most of us in the Connect Community had no idea that she was bravely battling Stage IV ovarian cancer.  And, she didn’t want much of a fuss made after her passing.


Configuring your data for productivity vs security: A balancing act!

Roland Lemoine

I used to think that applying security is good as long as it does not get in the way of productivity. After all, isn’t the whole purpose of IT to improve productivity, so anything going against that golden rule is at least questionable? If security is an obstacle to productivity then it defeats the whole purpose of IT being at the service of humans and it should not be the other way around.