
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Connect Tech Forum: Business Integration & Analysis

Richard Buckle

Connect, together with members of the Connect community, is pleased to announce the creation of a new Tech Forum, Business Intelligence & Analysis (BI&A). We have all heard senior HPE executives refer to how data is created on NonStop but what comes next? To be valued by the enterprise data created on NonStop needs to be moved. It needs to be analyzed. It needs to lead to better business insights.

March - April 2022

The Flipside

Gaye Clemson

In my role as an orchestrator helping cross-functional team leaders enable transformational change, it’s been interesting to reflect on how often the topic of complexity comes up.  And yet, when I ask ‘Tell me how you are defining complexity?  — and later —- What are you doing about it? – The answer is usually crickets, crickets, and more crickets.