XYPRO and ACI Worldwide offer PCI DSS 4.0 Compliance for BASE24 Customers

XYPRO and ACI Worldwide offer PCI DSS 4.0 Compliance for BASE24 Customers


Most banking applications are built on earlier architectures and technologies and pose significant security challenges, especially under the new Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards 4.0 (PCI DSS). These applications face greater risk due to coding practices at development time and the absence of modern security features like Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). Enhancing these applications with MFA is a necessity to protect against unauthorized access and data breaches.


NuWave’s Epic 2022 Year In Review

Gabrielle Guerrera

As we approach the holiday season and start decking the halls, we at NuWave, like many of you, like to reflect on the past twelve months. 2022 has been a bittersweet year for us. Looking back, there were so very many highlights and a lot to be proud of. However, there were also some sad times, including the loss of our founder and co-owner, Ernie Guerrera, as well as Karen Copeland, a guiding light in the HPE NonStop space.


NuWave Customer Success Story – How RedLink is using LightWave Solutions to integrate and modernize

Gustavo Martinez

Red Link is the biggest transactional switch in Argentina, processing transactions from ATMs and digital wallets. Red Link is owned by a group of public and private banks that service most of Argentina’s population. Red Link processes more than 47 million transactions per day during their peak time of year. They are interconnected with 60 financial institutions and have more than 1,000 employees, with a large team focused on the HPE NonStop, as it is the primary system used for their transactions.


Simplifying Access to Legacy Payments Applications

Andrew Price

One of the main trends highlighted in our recent article The Top 5 Trends in REST Services relates to payment applications, and in particular, simplifying access to legacy payments applications like BASE24 and Connex, both of which are still very popular on the HPE NonStop platform.