Randall is the Chief Architect for the NSGit (T1198) product enabling GUARDIAN access to the git distributed version control system (DVCS). As a member of the ITUGLIB Technical Committee, he is the designated NonStop platform maintainer for some popular Open Source packages including git and OpenSSL. He has been a regular speaker and author in various NonStop conferences and journals. Randall also runs Nexbridge Inc., the developers of the NSGit product.
NonStop is different, in case no one noticed, I figured I would finally say it. There is no GUI, no web browser, no user accessible HDMI, USB, or flash drives. ... Read more.
NonStop TBC 2022 kicked off a new round of modernization with a friendly competition to come up with a sustainable design to replace SCOBOL requesters with the ... Read more.
As we integrate technology in the enterprise, we see tendrils of GUARDIAN code extending outward to OSS, Windows, Linux, Mac, and towards edge computing. Compon... Read more.